NorVirtual App

A program for emulating the display of Nor145 and Nor150 sound level meters on you smartphone or tablet including the functionality of the touchscreen. This way you can remotely control your sound level meter from a distance as long as you are within the same network. As a network you can use a local WiFi, connect the sound level meter to your smartphone hotspot or set up the access point available in Nor145/WiFi. Freeware when downloaded from Apple store and Google Play.
- NorVirtual App emulates the sound level meter screen to your smartphone or tablet, so you will be 100% familiar with the user interface.
- Easy connect of sound level meter to App by searching the connected network for compatible instruments.
- Works as remote control in the Norsonic Sound Intensity Kit.
- Press a key on the instrument keyboard that change the instrument view – and the smartphone view changes simultaneously.
- Take photos and record your voice-notes on your smartphone that will be added to your measurement project.
- Set markers and make text notes to your measurement, from a remote distance.
- Close the door to a noisy environment and operate your sound level meter from a “healthy” environment.